December 30th 2024


The new senate supplemental budget does not include saving associated with the mergin LEOFF1 and TRS1 retirement systems. LEOFF1 Members you did it again with all your emails, phone calls and coming to Olympia to testify on SB 6668. We were able to kill the bill with the help of Senator Pam Roach, Senator Steve Conway and Senator Don Benton. The Merger will be referred for an interim study with the leadership in both the Senate and House. We are hoping the LEOFF1 Coalition President Andy Wilson will have a seat at the table durring the discussions.
LEOFF I Bills that passed
ESB 5873 and SB 6264 Have Both Passed the House and Senate and is waiting the Governor's signature to become law.

ESB 5873: permitting persons retired from the law enforcement officers’ and firefighters’ retirement system plan 1 to select a surviving benefit option

Substitute SB 6264: Allowing certain Washington state patrol retirement system and law enforcement officers' and firefighters' members to purchase annuities.

We are thankful to the legislators, the LEOFF I board and members who helped pass ESB 5873 and SB 6264,” said Joyce Willms, government relations for the LEOFF I Coalition. She urged LEOFF 1 retirees to assure their retirement is properly set up for surviving benefits by contacting the Department of Retirement, (800) 547-6659, ask for a LEOFF 1 representative
Please call and email the Senate Republicans and ask them to Kill S.B 6668
Thank you - LEOFF 1 Coalition Board
SB 6668 is heading to the senate floor for a vote and we must kill this bad bill that will rob LEOFF 1 retirement funds. Please contact your senator to say NO on SB 6668. Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000

SB 6668

LEOFF I Your Pension Is Being Attacked!
The legislatures want your pension.

CLICK HERE to Watch TVW SB6668 Ways & Means Committee Hearing

WHAT: The Senate Ways & Means Committee will meet on SB 6668
We need to STOP the merging of assets, liabilities and membership of the Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Retirement System Plan 1 with the Teachers and Retirement Plan 1and the establishment of a funding policy for the merged plan.

For more information on SB 6668 Call Government Relations, Joyce Willms if you have questions: 360-790-9129
Go to the right side of your screen and scroll to Senate Directory and call all the Republican Senators and ask them to KILL SB 6668.

Thank you!