February 16th 2025

I citizen lobby talking points for
breakfasts and lunch chats with their legislators;
#1. We are living longer than expected, so, we need to protect the pension fund health to cover us to the end of the plan. We do not need to be a burden to the State of Washington.
#2. We would oppose any attempt to seize any of our pension funds. Funds can only be used exclusively for LEOFF 1 beneficiaries.
#3. The Actuary, in 2005, reported that the LEOFF 1 pension plan would naturally go out of surplus one day. Taking funds will only cause the state later to refund the plan.
#4. We would oppose consolidation of our local boards into one pension health care location.
The following Bills were signed by the Governor SB6167 to restore authority to the DRS Director SB5014 on contribution rates SB5174 to RE-AFFIRM the Contribution Holiday SSJR8206 about budget stabilization and a Governor’s emergency fund |
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